A Special Place To Grow

“The limits of my language are the limits of my world.” 

-Ludwig Wittgenstein


Hi, we are the first educational center in German language for children aged 3 to 6 years in Sarajevo.

Kinderhaus is a family-complementary association, which (besides some variations) is inspired by Italian doctor Maria Montessori.

In addition to German language, which is perhaps the greatest challenge for our children, our mission is to promote a healthy lifestyle, through healthy, contemporary and balanced nutrition, as well as through strengthening environmental and body awareness.

The German Immersion Environment

Young children are excellent language learners when given a chance for a consistent and early exposure to native speakers. Kinderhaus teachers put a strong focus on language acquisition and support each child’s language development.


Montessori Education

Even though we have a spectre of toys in our facility, we also find Montessori materials useful. Thus, the same will be incorporated in our daily teaching. There are exercises of daily life, the senses, math and language. Dealing with these materials, gives the child the opportunity to build up their own personality and concentration, to develop their skills, to become independent and to take responsibility for themselves and world around them.

The children are free to choose which material they will use and do it as often as they need to. This enables the children to devote themselves intensively to something and to begin and complete it according to their own interests.


Our Scope

Besides modern teaching methods and homemade healthy organic meals, our Kinderhaus offers activities for children such as yoga, English lessons, mental arithmetic, etc., all which distinguish this education center from others and offers a real added value for the children's further development.

Our yoga and English classes take place four times a week to encourage healthy habits and a love of learning in your little ones.


Our Staff

Our warm, enthusiastic and highly skilled staff members and teachers are one of our most important assets. These experienced professionals have been selected not only because of their excellent academic training, but also because they truly care about the development and happiness of our students.


The Setting

When designing the room, we paid special attention to creating an environment in which everyone feels safe, comfortable and secure.


Our mission is to foster a love of learning in your little ones, through creative workshops and prompts.



Feel free to contact us with any questions.

